

Return Policy

You have 30 days from receipt of product to request a refund
We refund all cases of fraud and unauthorized transactions. Call +1 505 372 5811
(Mon-Sat / 9:00AM – 5:00PM EST) to obtain a refund. Additional refunds are issued at the
discretion of the company.
Customers are restricted to receiving a single refund per product ordered. Repetitive
refunds are not permitted unless the product, as delivered to you, is defective. We
reserve the right to refuse a refund to any customer who repeatedly requests refunds
or who, in our judgment, requests refunds in bad faith.
In order to process your refund, you must supply us with your name, order number
and address. If you provide us with insufficient or incorrect information your refund
will be delayed.
Once a refund has been approved please allow for up to 30 days for the refund to be
Depending on the bank that issues the credit card, your refund can take up to ten
(30) days to appear on your credit card statement. If you have any questions about
whether a refund has been issued by us, please call Our Customer Service